Andrew Sacco

Head of TD and Fixed Income Product

Andrew Sacco

Andrew has over 30 years’ experience in Financial Systems, Project Management, System Design and Build, Implementation and Support, Systems Sales and Account Management.

Andrew has a wealth of knowledge across many sectors of the financial markets. As Laminar Capital’s Head of System Integration, Andrew operates across many aspects of Laminar’s business, to ensure Laminar’s systems and future direction are clearly aligned with market expectations, regulatory requirements and most importantly, at the forefront of technology – all the while enhancing the user experience.

Andrew honed his skills in the early days at KPMG in their Treasury Systems delivery team. He then moved into the corporate environment and was able to apply this knowledge working for various large, domestic and international organisations, including Platinum Software, Integrity Treasury Solutions, Grange Securities, Lehman Brothers, SunGard Systems and more recently at FIS, where his Account Management responsibilities over 12 years included working with Financial Institutions, Banks, large Corporates and a wide variety of Government entities across Australia and New Zealand. His key roles involved replacing legacy systems, streamlining treasury operations while increasing the footprint across multiple product streams.

Phone: +61 412 644 284

Disclaimer: Unless otherwise indicated all figures presented are as at June 30, 2022.

Laminar Capital Pty Ltd ABN 33 134 784 740, AFSL Number 476686. Laminar Capital is part of the Perpetual Group (Perpetual Limited ABN 86 000 431 827, including its subsidiaries).

Treasury Direct is provided by Laminar Capital Pty Ltd 2021 ABN 33 134 784 740, AFSL Number 476686. This publication contains general information for wholesale clients only and is not intended to provide you with financial advice. Laminar Capital is part of the Perpetual Group (Perpetual Limited ABN 86 000 431 827, including its subsidiaries).

*Source: Perpetual Limited FY21 results presentation, 19 Australia 2021