Markets Overview

  • ASX SPI 200 futures up 0.3% to 7,334.00
  • Dow Average up 0.1% to 34,429.88
  • Aussie down 0.5% to 0.6774 per US$
  • U.S. 10-year yield fell 1.9bps to 3.4862%
  • Australia 3-year bond yield fell 6.5 bps to 3.03%
  • Australia 10-year bond yield fell 9 bps to 3.39%
  • Gold spot down 0.3% to $1,797.63
  • Brent futures down 1.5% to $85.57/bbl

Economic Events

  • 09:00: (AU) Nov. S&P Global Australia PMI Servi, prior 47.2
  • 09:00: (AU) Nov. S&P Global Australia PMI Compo, prior 47.7
  • 11:00: (AU) Nov. Melbourne Institute Inflation, prior 5.2%
  • 11:00: (AU) Nov. Melbourne Institute Inflation, prior 0.4%
  • 11:30: (AU) 3Q Company Operating Profit QoQ, est. -1.5%, prior 7.6%
  • 11:30: (AU) 3Q Inventories SA QoQ, est. 1.0%, prior 0.3%

Other News

There’s nothing like celebrating the holiday season by leaving Santa Claus with his favorite snack: milk and cookies – with soda.

Pepsi unveiled its latest campaign Thursday, encouraging “a surprising and naughty new twist.” It’s Pilk, Pepsi mixed with milk, and cookies.

Todd Kaplan, Pepsi’s chief marketing officer, insisted the combination has “long been a secret hack among Pepsi fans.”

To help launch the promotion, Pepsi got the help of Lindsay Lohan, who recently starred in Netflix’s “Falling for Christmas” and has been associated with Christmas since her “Jingle Bell Rock” performance in the 2004 film “Mean Girls.”

Pepsi offered some recipes for people to try, like “The Naughty & Ice,” which involves mixing whole milk, heavy cream and vanilla creamer into a cup of Pepsi and enjoying it with a chocolate chip cookie. Another recipe, “The Cherry on Top,” uses 2% milk, heavy cream and caramel creamer into a cup of Pepsi Wild Cherry, pairing it with a gingerbread cookie.

Lohan said in a statement she was at first skeptical of the combinations, but was “amazed at how delicious it was.”

Pepsi is also issuing a #PilkandCookies challenge by having people follow the company on Instagram, Twitter or TikTok and share a video or photo of their Pilk and Cookies creations along with the hashtag. Pepsi will select 25 winners who will win cash. The challenge is open through Dec. 25.

(USA Today)