by Stephen Roberts | 13 Jan, 2013 | Economics, Laminar Economist Stephen Roberts
Recent international and local data releases continue to support Laminar Group’s out-of-consensus view that the RBA has finished reducing the cash rate. More evidence is accumulating a modest improvement in the global economic outlook. In the US private sector... by Stephen Roberts | 1 Jan, 2013 | Economics, Laminar Economist Stephen Roberts
Laminar Group provided a more optimistic than consensus view of 2013 global economic growth in Market drivers last month based primarily on our expectations that economic growth in the US and China will be stronger than consensus forecasts. We reaffirm these... by Stephen Roberts | 5 Dec, 2012 | Economics, Laminar Economist Stephen Roberts
Laminar sees important changes developing in 2013 for interest rate markets, mostly because we do not agree with the consensus market view that sub-trend global growth will continue through 2013. Perhaps our most controversial view as a consequence is that the Reserve...