by Stephen Roberts | 6 Jan, 2014 | Economic Weekly, Laminar Economist Stephen Roberts
For a more comprehensive round up of the week, listen to Stephen’s full report here. Risk assets were mostly stronger in December, especially after the US Federal Reserve’s (Fed) last policy meeting of the year where it decided to start reducing purchases of assets by... by Stephen Roberts | 2 Dec, 2013 | Economics, Laminar Economist Stephen Roberts
For a more comprehensive round up of the week, listen to Stephen’s full report here The fortunes of risk assets were mixed in November, although most major international equity markets were stronger over the month as both the current and prospective US Federal Reserve... by Stephen Roberts | 25 Nov, 2013 | Economics, Laminar Economist Stephen Roberts
For a more comprehensive round up of the week, listen to Stephen’s full report here. The Australian economic releases and surveys released in November continue to show that the economy has been growing below potential (3.1% average annual GDP growth), but not quite as... by Stephen Roberts | 18 Nov, 2013 | Economics, Laminar Economist Stephen Roberts, Uncategorized
For a more comprehensive round up of the week, listen to Stephen’s full report here Two developments last week reinforce our view that global growth will improve in 2014 and that the long rally in risk assets will extend well in to 2014. One development was the... by Stephen Roberts | 11 Nov, 2013 | Economic Weekly, Laminar Economist Stephen Roberts
For a more comprehensive round up of the week, listen to Stephen’s full report here. Risk assets appear to be on an improving trend that we believe should carry in to early 2014 at least and notwithstanding the strong gains made in 2013 so far. The main reason...