Our Services
Laminar Capital is a specialist fixed income house, employing acknowledged sector leaders with experience gained in global investment banks, fund managers and domestic Authorised Deposit-taking Institutions.
Investment management
We can tailor bespoke fixed income investment solutions for our clients and provide access to a vast range of investment solutions.
Our extensive industry relationships and volume of funds under advice help us access a wide range of rates from over 55 ADIs.
Treasury Direct
With access to rates from more than 55 ADIs, you can choose to either invest with an ADI via Laminar Capital’s Treasury Direct platform or with one of our experienced dealers. We can help clients diversify their investment portfolios – across many asset classes and access rates negotiated and tailored to suit your specific investment needs.
Settlement services
Efficient and simple settlement processes empower businesses to effectively participate in over-the-counter fixed income markets. Laminar Capital provides back-office trading and reporting capabilities enabling our clients trade seamlessly.

Get in touch
Contact us today to discuss how we can strengthen your fixed income opportunities and support your treasury processes.
Laminar Capital services are provided by Perpetual Digital Pty Ltd ABN 62 626 891 978 (Perpetual). Laminar Capital Pty Ltd ABN 33 134 784 740, AFSL Number 476686.
Laminar Capital is part of the Perpetual Group (Perpetual Limited ABN 86 000 431 827, including its subsidiaries).
Treasury Direct is provided by Laminar Capital Pty Ltd 2021 ABN 33 134 784 740, AFSL Number 476686. This publication contains general information for wholesale clients only and is not intended to provide you with financial advice. Laminar Capital is part of the Perpetual Group (Perpetual Limited ABN 86 000 431 827, including its subsidiaries).
*Source: Perpetual Limited FY21 results presentation, 19 Australia 2021 https://perpetual.gcs-web.com/static-files/cc08a457-611b-4525-94d2-92de4810b721