In our August update, Laminar has introduced the ability to trade bonds,FRN’s and NCD’s online within Treasury Direct.
So now Treasury Direct is the easiest way to find and invest in over 150 securities offered and updated daily. Filters quickly enable you to identify securities by a particular issuer, rating group or repo eligibility status.
Investing is done in two easy steps;
1. click on the security.
2. nominate your investment amount.
Where Laminar acts as Austraclear your proxy, settlement occurs automatically via the builtin Austraclear integration.
We continue to innovate and add great functions every month with a lot of other great fearures in testing for release.
For an online demonstration:
• contact us on 1300 130 918
• or visit the Treasury Direct website to find out more information on how to make managing and reporting on your investment portfolio a simple task.